Daniel Sánchez Arévalo
 ©Quim Gutiérrez
©Quim Gutiérrez

Daniel Sánchez Arévalo

Daniel Sánchez Arévalo is a scriptwriter and film director.

“I am hypochondriac, neurotic and colour-blind. I’ve been like this since I was ten years old, even though I had a happy childhood. When I was sixteen, I started going to a psychoanalyst. And it was there, trying to give the chaos that rumbled on inside me shape and dramatic coherence that I became a story teller. I couldn’t stand boring my psychoanalyst.

Writing became my life raft. Passing my obsessions and ghosts on to my characters helped me to share at least some of my fears. One day I realized that I’d never written for myself; that I couldn’t conceive of writing something that couldn’t be shared. It was in the flow of communication via fiction that I found the best therapy: entertaining, moving and reaching people.

I think that this novel is the best of my films because you’ll film it yourself as you read”.