Clara Usón

Clara Usón


Clara Usón was born in Barcelona in 1961. Her first novel, Las noches de San Juan (Saint John’s Nights), won the Premio Femenino Lumen in 1998. Later she published Primer vuelo (First Flight, 2001) and El viaje de las palabras (The Journey of Words, 2005), about which Enrique Vila-Matas wrote: “Woody Allen would enjoy this fun, moving novel.” In 2009, Clara Usón won the Premio Biblioteca Breve with her novel Corazón de napalm (Napalm Heart). With the acclaimed La hija del Este (Daughter of the East, Seix Barral, 2012), “a magnificent literary text” in Juan Goytisolo’s opinion, she won the Premio de la Crítica, the Premio Ciutat de Barcelona, the Premio per la Cultura Mediterranea from the Fondazione Carical in Italy, and the Premio Bouchon de Cultures, in France.